Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Sweet puffed rice balls ~ Pori urundai

Pori urundai

Been a long time since i posted! was raining today and wanted to try a sweet snack to munch! Posting my fav snack pori urundai ~ rice puffed balls. A simple yet a very sweet snack!
All you need is:

1. Jaggery (vellam) - 1 cup
2. Puffed rice - 4 cups
3. Cardamom powder - a pinch 
4.Ghee - 2tsp

Do it this way:
  • Melt jaggery by adding half cup of water, filter it to remove if there are any impurities.
  • Add cardamom powder and 1tsp ghee to the filtered jaggery and keep stirring it in a medium flame.
  •  Mean while dry roast the puffed rice in other pan after adding a tsp of ghee.
  • When you place a tsp of jaggery syrup to water in a plate,it should not dissolve,but you must be able to make a hard ball out of it or you should get a sting consistency.It is called paagu padham in tamil.
  • At this stage add the puffed rice to the syrup and mix well
  • Remove from heat and let it cool.
  • Grease your palm with ghee and  quickly make balls out of the mixture, when the heat is bearable.Initially you can make rough balls and then you can shape it nicely.
  • If you are not able to hold as balls grease your palm with rice flour and then try to shape it.
  • Not getting a shape at all, no worries. Eat as such and enjoy it.


String consistency of jaggery (brown spot in water)


  1. Nice pictures and love the depth of field in the pictures.

  2. One of my favorite snacks too!

  3. Thank you! btw, i found nice reviews on restaurants in your blog!
    Have not been there, but its nice to read such reviews!


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